Hybrid Teams With Fixed Workers and Remote Freelancers Is the Trend

Social distance changes the opinion of companies about talents, UpWork shows.

Daniel Roncaglia
3 min readMar 19, 2021
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

A year of a pandemic now in March teaches to everyone.

One of the questions is the future of work, which has changed with social distance measures.

What is best for the business: remote or in-person?

The companies are preparing for economic growth with the advance of vaccination. The World’s economy is capitalized.

After significant operation changes and a large part of the leadership, the businesses are open to innovations.

The hybrid model is gaining sympathy from companies.

The analysis is present in a report released on March 16 by the job platform UpWork.

The document signed by UpWork chief economist Adam Ozimek presents five key trends after a year of remote work.

The economist has collected data about the relationship between talents and companies.

Freelancers X Non-freelancers

Ozimek’s argument is simple.

Independent talent tends to like to work remotely.

